


This is how you remind me of what my design looks like with copy.

Shout out to Nickelback

Best rock band ever? Maybe. This site is a bit of fun and hopefully will add a bit of value out there to anyone who needs "lorem ipsum" text that's a little bit different, and a little bit rock flavoured.

That being said, if anyone from Nickelback wants this taken down for any reason, just shoot me an email here.

What is "Ipsum" text?

When designers are working on a new site, they often need to pad out areas with placeholder text in order to get a feel for how things look and feel. Traditionally they've used what's called "Lorem Ipsum" text; essentially gibberish latin.

Over the years, different types of "ipsum" text have popped up, such as "bacon ipsum", "hipster ipsum", "zombie ipsum", "obama ipsum" and literally hundreds more. "Nickelback Ipsum" is my addition to the genre, and I hope you like it.